Our Courses
Throughout the season we have a variety of sailing courses on offer including:
RYA National Sailing Scheme for Adults
RYA Youth Sailing Scheme
RYA Start Windsurfing for Adults and Children
We are also an RYA Multihull Training Centre
Courses can be booked on our Eventbrite page here
We are an RYA training centre for the National Powerboat Scheme.
Currently we can only provide RYA Powerboat 1 and 2 for members of the club that can help to provide on-water cover for our regular events, and Safety Boat training for Senior Instructors at this time.
We may offer RYA Powerboat Training to the general membership at a later date! Watch this space…
If you’re interested in any of our courses and need more information, get in touch with our Sailing Development Officer - David Carter on david@rciyc.je or 07797 787409.
Hobie Fleet 386
Hobie Dragoons – Cadet Sailing
The Club’s Cadets are able to participate in the Hobie Dragoon ‘Summer Fun Series’ races and also the Spring and Winter series. This is linked to the main Hobie Fleet racing with more experienced Juniors invited to sail in the Club Regattas.
Cadets are required to have some experience sailing on the Clubs Wayfarers or Optimists before joining the Dragoons.
Given the more intense nature of the sailing, our usual age requirement is 11 years old. If the cadet has participated in dinghy activity prior to that, they may be considered for the Dragoons at a younger age.
Our crews have represented Jersey at the Hobie Dragoon National, European, and World Championships.
Dragoons Junior Race Training
Training will cover amongst other drills, effective starts, mark rounding, boat trim/speed, fast tacks and gybes, effective spinnaker handling, and trapezing, plus the technical and tactical aspects of racing. Training is provided by RYA Qualified Multihull Instructors who have participated at National, European, and Worldwide Hobie Cat Championships.
H/Dragoon training will run every two weeks normally on Wednesday evenings, but occasionally other days, due to tide suitability. Notification will be emailed 5 to 7 days prior to each training date to enable places to be booked. Dates as follows:
APRIL... Wednesday 24th
MAY... Wednesday 8th & 22nd
JUNE... Wednesday 5th & 19th
JULY... Wednesday 3rd & Thursday 18th
AUGUST... Monday 5th & 19th
SEPTEMBER... Monday 2nd & 16th
OCTOBER... Wednesday 2nd & 16th
The fee is £10.00 per each Cadet, to be paid direct to the office tel 745783, on the day directly after training
Please be at the Gunsite by 4:45pm for rigging and preparation
For all standards, crews may be changed, mixed and matched, for the purpose of the training. Parents are welcome to crew for Cadets where and if required
Training will cover amongst other drills, effective starts, mark rounding, boat trim/speed, tacks and gybes, effective spi handling, trapezing etc
Cadets must have some sailing experience to participate. Minimum age 11 years
Correct sailing kit to be worn, ie full length wetsuit, sailing gloves, sailing pumps, spray top and B/Aid
Juniors participating in the H/Dragoon racing & training must be current paid up Cadet members of the RCIYC. For enquiries contact the Club office on tel, 745783
Places are on a first come first served basis. Sailing is subject to conditions on the day
Should you wish to be included on the regular RCIYC Cadet Dragoon email list, please contact the office on office@rciyc.je (01534) 745783.
The RCIYC has a flourishing Hobie Fleet which has been part of the Club since the year 2000. Over 30 Hobie Cats race on a regular basis.
Within the fleet we have four classes, the two Formula 18 classes, Hobie Tigers and Hobie Wildcats, the Hobie Dragoons, and the Hobie 16’s. Our Hobie 16 fleet is divided into an A fleet for our senior sailors and a B fleet for those just starting out.
There are around 50 races a year to challenge the keen Hobie crews in an active programme, including the Spring, Summer, Winter series and long distance events, as well as the Clubs major Regattas. Teams representing the Club and Jersey attend International Championship events and has National and European Champions amongst its members. The Hobie Fleet working in conjunction with the Club has successfully staged National and European Championships in the Island.
The Fleet also put on Open days and Taster/Trial sessions for anyone interested in becoming involved. Most of the racing and training activity takes place in St. Aubin’s bay.
Please click here for the Hobie Fleet Race Programme 2025
The Optimist Dinghy
The International Optimist dinghy (“Oppy”) is specifically designed to be sailed by children up to the age of 15.
It is sailed around the world in a highly organised class, giving children the opportunity to participate in events at club, regional, national and international level.
We are keen to encourage an early introduction to dinghy sailing and Optimist courses are run for the youngest beginners starting at 7 years. The aim of the courses is to keep the formula simple and above all make the children’s first impression of sailing fun in a safe environment.
Opi Training is run by qualified young instructors with assistants. As a mainly voluntary organisation we need parents to assist rigging and launching boats as well as manning support boats and coaching on the water – those new to sailing are encouraged and trained to get involved!
For any queries, please contact David Carter david@rciyc.je, tel 484488 or 07797 787409.
Friday evening club windsurfing runs throughout the summer term. This is free to all cadet members. All equipment is provided, all you need is a wetsuit. You can book the session using the link under “Our Courses”; sessions are usually posted a week in advance.
There are many reasons to learn to windsurf;
· It is a fun way to go sailing with easily transported equipment.
· It is an ideal companion to dinghy sailing; when conditions are too windy for dinghies they are ideal for a competent windsurfer.
· It helps with learning to sail. The direct contact with the rig helps to understand the influence of the forces from the rig.
· It teaches skills that can be used to progress to other water sports such as wind foiling, winging, kite surfing etc.
· With a modest level of competence, it is by far the cheapest and most accessible way to access real high performance sailing.